Besides as a spice for cooking, garlic also has many health benefits. One is preventing the emergence of tumor cells and inhibit growth of cancer cells. The content of what makes garlic so beneficial?
Plants with the Latin name Allium sativum include herbs that are very popular in Asia. He gave a distinctive fragrant flavor to cuisine, as well as lower cholesterol contained in foods that contain fat. Garlic for health benefits have been very popular in society since ancient times. Aside from being a stamina booster for sex, garlic is also capable manangkal flu, stomach worms eradicate, treat rheumatism, and relieve insomnia. In addition, garlic is able to combat degenerative diseases such as hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease, diabetes, cholesterol imbalances and cancer.
In China, garlic was known as "suan". Chinese people not only incorporate garlic into the cooking, but also mixed with tea. That's hot down antibiotic drug. Indians used garlic for healing wounds and ulcers, while the Japanese people drink it in juice form.
How does the consumption of garlic in our own country? In various areas in Java, the use of garlic for traditional herbal medicine have been started lately, especially in rural areas. In South Sumatra, garlic sauce widely used in the manufacture of empek-empek.
Eat one clove of garlic for 2 times a week after lunch to arouse the lethargic body hold from the threat of various diseases. Traditional medicine had lately been using a mixture of garlic. The reason, garlic has been known to ward off or cure many diseases such as tuberculosis, influenza, antidiabetic, lowers high blood pressure, treat burns, rheumatism, liver poisoning prevention, anti-cholesterol, and so forth.
One of the benefits of garlic has recently become the topic of discussion and research is its ability to prevent tumor cells or cancer. Until now, cancer is still haunting mankind. This disease claimed 30 percent of about 7 million deaths in the world every year. Sir Richard Dool, a leading cancer expert from England, said the incidence of cancer may actually be reduced to 60 percent, if the person likes to eat natural foods and quit smoking.
In recent years, a study conducted by ITB students showed that the substance "allicin" contained in garlic is able to prevent the emergence of tumor cells, and can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Experiments on rats have shown that the substance was "allicin" actively inhibited tumor growth for at least 6 months after treatment. Mechanism of preventive effect of garlic oils were already studied by Jean Pierre and his friends recently. It turns out experiments in humans also provide real results on the prevention of cancer and tumors. Even the researchers from the Natural Mitsui Chemical Association (Japan) have revealed that the processed foods that use a mixture of Japanese society garlic keep its customers from the tumor disease and cancer. In addition, garlic can also lose weight.
"The compound is the garlic is aliin. When the garlic paste, a substance that actually does not smell aliin will unravel. With the encouragement of enzymes alinase, aliin split into alisin, ammonia, and pyruvic acid. Alisin acrid smell caused by sulfur substances. Aroma This characteristic increases sting when the substance of sulfur (sulfur) in alisin flown ammonia into the air because ammonia is volatile. alisin efficacious compounds destroy the formation of blood clots in the arteries, reducing the symptoms of diabetes and reduce blood pressure, "explained Nutritionist Esmin Sinurat of Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta.
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