Tips on choosing clothes for skinny people

Suggested Clothing

Some clothes are recommended for you who were thin. Some of the following types of clothing can make your body look fuller. Models to choose from, among others:

The clothes have wrinkles or ruffles
Wrinkles and details of ruffles will give fuller body effect.

Clothing made from knitted
Knitted material thicker than other materials, the knitted material is suitable for your body is thin.

Wearing clothing with stacking model
You could be a few pieces of clothing, for example, use the shirt with a vest, vest, or sweater.

Using clothing with a silhouette of a firm chest
Supervisor or overalls with a silhouette on the chest will be a sweetener that will make an appearance more attractive.
Use clothing with a pattern of horizontal lines
As commonly known, the horizontal line will give the impression of expanding the body. This is a motif that is suitable for making the body look wider.

Using clothing with bright colors
Bright colors like white, yellow or pink to make the body look bigger.

Skirt with model rimple
Skirt with folds like a model rimple make your lower body look fuller.

Clothes are not Recommended
Clothing styles that can give the impression of thin should be avoided so that your body does not look even thinner. Clothing that is not recommended, among others, as follows:

Clothes that are too tight
Being too strict and stick to the body, it will affirm your body shape. When the body terllau thin and you want to disguise it, avoid clothes that are too tight.

Model baggy clothes
Although you should not wear clothing that is too tight, does not mean you should choose clothing that is loose. Clothing that is too large, your body will make it smaller and thinner.

Clothing of flimsy material and loose
Material is thin and loose clothing does not help to add volume and body will make the body lean more visible.

Clothes with vertical stripes motif
Vertical stripes will make you look thinner lines generated effects.

Dark-colored clothing
Dark colors give the impression of thin, so if you do not want to make the body look thinner should not wear clothes with dark colors.


In addition to clothing, you can make a beauty appearance by using accessories such as bracelets, necklaces or brooches that enliven your appearance. Use of accessories should be tailored to the clothing worn. If your clothes have a lot of models should not use too many accessories. Model accessories and colors should also be tailored to your overall appearance.

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