Tips for buying a bird

As well as buying goods in general, buy a bird requires precision, flair and patience. Moreover, when prospective buyers are still a beginner.

Before a choice, determine the intent and purpose of maintenance. Is it just simply went along with the trend, meet fun, collection, hobby, or for contested (contest).

For fans of the bird, let alone that makes the pet bird for the contest included the price is not a problem. But not so with a beginner or simply went along with the trend, because for beginners will think twice if the need to buy birds babble like Cockatoo,Parrot, Canary and others an average price of Rp 800.000,00.

Therefore, before bringing the bird home selection should be done with caution. If the bird could have purchased a good quality or a quality and capable of giving pride.

There are several steps and considerations that can be used when going to buy a bird.

1. Many asked his close associates or people who have a penchant first, maintain a bird (contest, contest or collection).

2. Invite your friends to get together to a seller or a bird market.

3. Find an honest seller birds, usually the place is always crowded with visitors and selling bird collection quality. Normally, a bird seller who honestly tell the condition of the birds it sells, the origin and nature of the parent birds are sold.

4. As far as possible to know the origin of birds. Sometimes the birds are sold unknown origin, whether stolen, catches or captivity. This affects the quality (especially birds babble and race).

5. Bird to contest class (chatter) and racing, usually using a bird with the male sex. To determine the sex of the bird must be completely observant.

Based on the experience of the vendors and bird watcher, there are few benchmarks that can be held. First, notice his eyes. When the eyes look outstanding, it means a male bird. Conversely, if flat, certainly androgynous female. Benchmarks can be used when we choose piyik, trotolan, and going.

Other characteristics, which has been applied to bird enthusiasts is to examine the feathers on the rump. The feathers on the rump where females are generally plain-colored bird. Characteristics that are usually easy to sound louder than male birds females.

6. A bird fan contest would have noticed the sound, both the volume and rhythm of the song rather than posture. In contrast to bird enthusiasts race (race) of course will choose posture (feathers, wings, heads and other shapes) rather than voice. While keeping birds for a collection of set two criteria for the bird collection.

7. Final consideration to keep in mind to choose the health of birds are birds that we will buy. Look carefully and patiently posture of birds, observe also the voice and movements. A healthy bird will be inclined, agile, aggressive and do not want to silence the movement, loud and los. Not weak or half-hearted singing. When selecting the birds more tillers in the form of wings and feathers as well as the number of voice.

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