Chemical Contents
Sirih contains saponin, polyphenol, cadinen, carvacrol, sineol, eugenol, kariofilen,cathecol, terpinen, sesquiterpen, flavonoids, alkaloids, tanin, sugar, diastatic enzyme and fatty acid.
Medicinal Its function includes as antiseptic, commonly used for curing mouth ulcer, while its juice
is used as mouthwash. It is also used for dressing wounds, helping wih acne, cough and toothache.
Sirih also possess anti-bacterial properties on oral germs. Essential oils extracted from Sirih retards
the growth of a number of germs and fungi. Traditionally it is also used for helping with epistaxis.
Beautycare It is used to remove body odor, alleviate menstrual problems.
Juice obtained from by boiling Sirih leaves in water, when mixed with temulawak (Curcuma xanthorhiza Linn.) and kunyit (Curcuma longa Linn.) is used as traditional vaginal wash, which helps to keep the vaginal area clean and fresh
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