More Tips For Healthy and Sexy Vagina

Remember! Do not misuse your vagina. The cry of pain is very different from the cries of pleasure. Leading content specialist, Dr. Suresh Nair following explains about vaginal pain during intercourse.

Lack of hormones in women who experience menopause causes thinning of the vaginal wall, which is very much like tissue paper. Small scratches can occur during intercourse, which can cause pain. To overcome this, women can use hormone creams to rejuvenate the back wall of the vagina and repair of pleasure as before menopause.
For young women, vaginal infections usually cause
discomfort in intercourse. The vagina has good bacteria, which is necessary to maintain the required acid and prevent infection. But the problems caused by lifestyle, such as excessive stress, birth control pills and health conditions such as diabetes and HIV can collapse the vagina become excessively alkaline (base). Fungal infections are a lot of women who are pregnant also are taking birth control pills. It mostly occurs in those who live in the region be in season warm or tropical climates such as Southeast Asia.

Infection can cause intense itching of profound, vaginal discharge thick white milk-out-and odor, and even some cases the level of pain that comes cause intimate relationship feels like a tremendous ordeal. Vulva swollen and red to give way to bacterial infection continued the urinary tract bacteria. However, vaginal infection is fairly easy to overcome. So, why torture yourself? Call your doctor right away!

Not only the infection that causes vaginal pain during intercourse. Genital warts or pimples or better known as genital warts also can hinder enjoy sex. It is small and white, grow in the vagina, vulva or cervix, caused by HPV or Human Pappiloma virus, arising from the repeated sexual activity.

Herpes, one more infections caused by bacteria, can cause pain in areas that contain toxins, and in large quantities, can cause extreme pain to make the sufferer unable to move, let alone enjoy sex. Other diseases that are transmitted sexually, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, causing abnormalities and waste a lot of dirt that can enter into the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing boils or abscess. Pain and fever associated with this situation. Antibiotok dose in large doses can cure him. However, if the abscess and broad enough, an operation may be necessary to dry nanahnya.

Cancer cervix, vagina and vulva, very bad and detrimental to your sex life. Need surgery and radiotherapy, which will affect the nerves and blood flow to the area, causing The lack and drought. After treatment, you can reduce discomfort by using lubrication products such as KY Jelly, Replens, Astroglide or Preseed.

For satisfying sexual relationship, women must take some action to prevent infection. In this case, including also ask or even force their partners to use condoms and not have sex with multiple partners. Such sexual acts are switching from anal to vaginal sex without changing condoms, is one way for bacteria to enter and become infected.

Behave in a clean and hygienic is also one way away from the infection. Tampons, access to birth control devices or other foreign objects into or placed in the vagina may cause abnormal vaginal discharge, swelling, infection and sexual discomfort. In order to keep the area clean, as clean, wipe it toward the anus, so that bacteria do not carry over into the vagina.

However, excessive vaginal cleaning, can destroy the bacteria that are needed by the vagina and cause inflammation, allergies in the groin and minor injuries such as eczema. You can experience allergic reactions such as pain in the groin, swollen, and easily hurt if intersect with other bacteria, from using tampons, sprays and powders that contain deodorant. So it's important to take precautions such as changing tampons regularly.

Finally, the choice of clothing that we use also plays an important role. Avoid wearing underwear made from nylon which does not absorb heat. Even using the tight jeans and stockings can make us infected with fungus.

let's see some things that could make it more healthy.

acidity of the vagina by Dr Boy Abidin, SpOG approximately 7.1 to 7.3. To maintain the stability of vaginal health, women should understand the following points:

1. As often as possible to replace the pads.
2. After having sex, the outside of the vagina should always be cleaned. "Certainly not with ordinary soap," said Dr Boy. We recommend using a special cleaning soap vagina.
3. Change your underwear at least 2-3 times a day.
4. Use cotton underwear that absorbs sweat. When using a panty liner should be for 2-3 hours.
5. Not wearing nylon pants, jeans, and skin that is too tight.
6. For women who had experienced sexual intercourse and childbirth, do pap smears at least once a year. For those who are menopausal, do 2-3 years.
7. Keep your weight to normal. Do not get overweight because it makes the vagina closed folds of fat, so moist.
8. Keep your body in general health by eating a balanced nutritious diet.
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